Democratic Senator To Be Assassinated
Target Wellstone

October 29, 2004

One of the hundreds of improptu memorials to Paul Wellstone and his family.
October 25 marked the anniversary of the deaths of Sen. Paul Wellstone, his wife and daughter, three staffers and two pilots in a plane crash. Five months before the Wellstone tragedy, Sandor Hicks made a chilling on-line prediction that a Democratic senator would meet "an untimely death" in a plane accident. The original May 25, 2001 web article (which also predicted the Anthrax attack against Democrats) is reprinted below. It is followed by a review of the book.

Democratic Senator to be Assassinated:
Covert Teams Actively Preparing Hit

May 25, 2001 – by Voxfux

Within months, one of a selected group of democratic Senators -- likely from a state with a Republican Governor -- will meet an untimely death. The death will appear to be either a plane "accident" or by "natural causes." Whichever is most easily accomplished. The reality will in fact be that the Senator was one of a group of several Senators (Narrowed down into a group of "Selects") targeted for assassination and was the one who was in the right place at the right time for the most convenient and clean "hit."

You will see, within in the coming months, for absolutely certainty, the untimely death of at least one Democratic Senator, to "rebalance the scale". The private covert intelligence groups behind George Bush Sr. are extraordinarily well-funded with petrochemical billions. They are deadly, work completely autonomously, in a terrorist formation identical to a terrorist organization, and are absolutely religiously dedicated to accomplishing their objectives.

They will not rest until the Senate is under the control once again of the darkest force ever to seize control of the American Empire -- the clandestine industrial / military / intelligence triad currently represented by George W. Bush.

Few have the ability to comprehend the machinations of this dark force. It is beyond the scope of our "Journalists." And only a few intellectuals still remain who will even dare to approach this grim reality. But is a reality. This triad will employ cells of ex-military/CIA "cutouts" whose mission will be to carefully eliminate one of a selected group of Democratic Senators.

Once, one of the senators is eliminated, the mission is complete, the tracks get covered, the evidence quickly cleaned up and the history books will once again inscribe a lie for all of posterity to suck on. And we will never know the true nature of our world and especially the dark force which now controls the world and the writing of those history books.

The mission is already underway and several "candidates" are being evaluated for extermination. The method of elimination is also being evaluated and will be narrowed down to one of several choices. One being a carefully planned "plane crash." Another is through the delivery of certain biological agents to the Senator.

If the mode of assassination is to be "Natural" causes -- then the cause of death will almost certainly be by chemical or biological agent delivered to the senator by this private covert intelligence group. If the Senator dies of a sudden respiratory illness it will most assuredly be an Anthrax hit -- from a strain of Anthrax manufactured before 1977 (when Bush was ousted as CIA Chief). As always, careful attention will be paid to limiting inquiry into any autopsy or coroner investigations.

If the premature death event occurs prior to the next Senatorial midterm elections, and is of "natural causes," the Senate must urgently resolve to conduct multiple and independent examinations into the ACTUAL cause of death, likely to be an anthrax or other chemical or biological agent -- NOT NATURAL CAUSES.

If the death occurs [before] the midterm senatorial elections, expect it to be in a state with a close race. Expect a "Mel Carnahan"-style hit. [Note: Carnahan was killed in a plane crash. The death would have cleared the way for the election of Carnahan's challenger, John Ashcroft but Carnahan's wife ran in his place and Ashcroft lost. As Michael Moore observed in Fahrenheit 91l: "Voters preferred the dead guy."]

If it is a plane crash, the Senate must resolve to assure that Bush administration officials are NOT in complete charge of the investigation. There must be an independent investigative team and evidence of the crash must not be allowed to fall into the hands of the intelligence services.

The mission to eliminate one or more of these Senators is assuredly underway this very moment. It is now the single most critical mission of the current Bush administration. Cells will originate in Florida and Texas, where such operations may operate freely and with the complete protection of those respective state governments. I suspect there are many cells forming regarding this mission.

Once, any one of the Senators is hit, the mission is terminated and there will be NO evidence or any possibility to any serious inquiry. They will control the coroner and or the crash site, take possession of the body or wreckage (In the name of "National Security.") The team making the successful hit will then either move up to the next level but more likely than not, they themselves will meet an untimely death.

Populist and outspoken Bush critic Senator Paul Wellstone.
Target Wellstone
Russ Wellen / Book Review (September 7, 2004)

American Assassination:
The Strange Death of Senator Paul Wellstone

By Four Arrows and Jim Fetzer (Vox Pop, 199 pages, $14)

When the plane carrying Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone to the funeral of a state lawmaker's father crashed, his wife, daughter, three staff members, and two pilots died as well.

American Assassination: The Strange Death of Senator Paul Wellstone (on Sander Hicks's new Vox Pop imprint) honors all the victims. But demonstrating that a crime -- a massacre, actually -- was committed requires showing how Wellstone's Senate career constituted a monument to humanitarianism that demanded to be toppled as sure as Saddam's statue in Firdos Square, Baghdad.

Unfortunately, sniping from the left that he failed to hew to the party line obscured Wellstone's achievements (documented in an appendix to the book) -- a comprehensive approach to progressive causes, from reforming American farm policy to opposing GATT and NAFTA.

In light of the suspicious circumstances under which he died, one can't help but think that the right saw him as not one, but a plague of gadflies that had to be eradicated. He was, in fact, exposed to aerial spraying -- intentionally, the authors maintain -- while inspecting the effect of glycophospate on Colombian coca fields. With each vote, Wellstone more and more resembled a man marching to his doom.

The Conspiracy Angle
Not only the mainstream, but also most of the independent media has used Wellstone campaign manager Jeff Blodgett's profession of certainty that pilot error was at fault to back off from allegations of foul play. But conspiracy theories don't only play with the Generation X-Files crowd. Now they're scrutinized by the ever-more-credentialed, such as Dr. David Ray Griffin, the author of The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11.

Like Griffin, Jim Fetzer is a professor of philosophy (at the University of Minnesota, Duluth) and he's polished his philosopher's stone with three books on the death of JFK. Co-author Four Arrows is an associate professor at Northern Arizona University.

Applying the principles of philosophy to the crime, Fetzer claims that when an investigator examining a hypothesis violates "the requirement of total evidence," "special pleading" -- intentionally selecting evidence to create a biased result -- occurs.

Excluding, and perhaps removing, evidence is exactly what official bodies seem to have set out to do. Only an hour after first responders arrived on the crash site at 11 a.m., the FBI materialized on the scene. [In order for them to have managed this timely arrival], they would have departed from St. Paul at 9:30 -- when Wellstone's plane was taking off.

After possibly spiriting away the cockpit voice recorder, the FBI announced the crash wasn't the work of terrorists. Meanwhile, the National Traffic Safety Board's lead investigator, Frank Hildrup, when asked why there was no public hearing, responded that they were reserved for "high-profile cases."

Could Bad Weather Have Caused the Crash?
As for the cause, at first the NTSB blamed icy conditions. However, when the plane didn't land at the Eveleth-Virginia (Minnesota) Airport, its assistant manager, Gary Ulman, had no qualms about immediately taking off to search for the crash site. Others, such as National Center for Atmospheric Research meteorologist Ben Bernstein, downplayed the icing theory as well.

Besides, the Beechcraft King Air A-10 boasted an elaborate de-icing system -- such as pneumatic de-icing boots that inflate and deflate to break ice from the leading edges of the wing and tail. And when the King Air's maintenance records turned out to be in order, mechanical problems, along with the icy conditions, were disqualified as causes.

Could It Have Been Pilot Error?
The NTSB then turned to the highly rated pilot, Richard Conry, a favorite of Wellstone's who had passed an FAA flight check two days before. Sixty seconds after his last conversation with the ground, during which he reported no problems, the King Air began drifting south, whereas a normal landing would have continued straight west. In other words, discounting his turn in the opposite direction before crashing, the NTSB adopted the conclusion that Conry and co-pilot Michael Guess's approach was too slow, stalling the plane and causing it to crash.

But even if the pilots failed to check airspeed and altitude -- an almost unimaginable lapse -- they would have been alerted by an alarm in plenty of time to regain speed. In other words, by arriving at this conclusion, the NTSB demonstrated the same lack of concern for public scrutiny as the FBI did when it arrived early at the crash scene. More likely, the authors maintain, the King Air lost airspeed and altitude because the pilots were unable to control it.

'Otherworldly Interference'
Understanding the crash, they believe, requires establishing why the King Air suddenly stopped communicating. Another man on his way to the funeral, driving within a couple blocks of the airport at the time of the crash experienced otherworldly cell-phone interference. He reported hearing a sound "between a roar and loud humming voice... oscillating... screeching and humming noise."

Most responsible for narrowing the authors' search for a cause was the blue smoke typical of electrical fires that streamed out of the King Air's sheared fuselage for hours after the crash.

In an arresting passage, the authors cite a Time magazine article describing microwave weapons the US is developing to knock out enemy electronics. Supposedly, they're capable of unleashing in an instant as much power as the Hoover Dam cranks out in a day. The authors' report, among other accidents, an F-111 that crashed or aborted due to the radio transmissions (electromagnetic pulses) of other US military aircraft.

Suddenly the idea of electronic-jamming equipment sending a decoy VOR (landing guidance system) signal to the King Air becomes plausible. Obeying instrumentation that's tricked into believing the plane is several degrees off course, the pilot follows the signal straight into the ground.

A Motive for Murder?
At the time of the crash, the Republicans' Senate majority was in jeopardy because Vermont's Jim Jeffords had bolted the party. In an attempt to redress the balance, they threw all their support behind Norm Coleman, Wellstone's opponent in the upcoming election. When Wellstone voted against granting the president power to invade Iraq, his popularity surged.

Wellstone reported that before the Senate vote on Iraq, Dick Cheney had warned him that bucking the administration could result in "severe consequences" for both him and the state of Minnesota. Neither was the vice president happy about the legislation Wellstone had introduced to improve protection against asbestos poisoning. Cheney had left Halliburton in a position to be sued by its insurer for asbestos claims staggering in their potential for remuneration. Only his assumption of the vice presidency granted him immunity from deposition.

By unraveling the conditions under which the Senator, his family members and staff died, Four Arrows and Jim Fetzer have not only paid tribute to Paul Wellstone, they've brought to light the facts surrounding yet another suspicious plane crash in a lineage that extends back to Governor Mel Carnahan and Senators John Tower and Hale Boggs.

Finally, let us recall the prescience Wellstone demonstrated in his statement to the Senate on Iraq: "The United States should unite the world against Saddam and not allow him to unite forces against us."

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